Tell us which job sector you're looking to hire for and we'll send you an example profile within 48 hours. Immistaff provides Canadian Businesses with foreign qualified candidates.

ImmiStaff website - easy-to-use platform for requesting skilled foreign talent
ImmiStaff website - easy-to-use platform for requesting skilled foreign talent
Our Story

The story behind our staffing agency

We came together to start a staffing agency after experiencing firsthand the challenges of finding qualified workers in a tight job market. Through our network of partners, we were able to tap into international talent pools and find the skilled employees we needed to staff our own companies. This allowed us to overcome the workforce shortage and find the success we were looking for.

Learn More

Our services guarantee long term success.

Many Canadian companies are suffering from staffing shortages and high employee turnover. What if we can guarantee you access to a highly skilled international workforce, motivate and guaranteed to work with your business?


Staffing Services

Speak to one of our staffing experts. To find and bring ideal international talent.


Validate Offers

Required to hire international foreign workers We will validate your offer with IRCC for the LMIA exemption.



Once worker(s) arrive in Canada. We help them settle in and onboard them during their first week of work.

Looking to hire?

Immistaff is quickly becoming Canada's leading expert in recruiting foreign workers to North America. Discover our Advantages.

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